Monday, April 14, 2014

This Blog has moved!

 moved to wordpress! Sorry Blogger! Your iphone/iPad app is just not up to par! I don't like having to manually enter HTML because lazy! If you'd like to find me on my new blog here's the link

<A HREF="">Click Here for my new blog Makeup Mobster </A>

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sally Hansen Airbrush legs, Leg makeup spray vs. Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs lotion

Ewwww ewwww eeww! Pantyhose the thought of them makes me cringe! Especially walking on a rug in them! Ugh shsundhagsjsoekxksv <that's how my brain feels when they're on my feet! Aside from that they just don't look natural. It looks like you're wearing something to cover your legs. They're  not a very good disguise at all. Thanks to the magical little scientists at Sally Hansen pantyhose are a thing of the past. Talk about women's lib! Burn your panty hose and leave em for ballerinas and old ladies. You will never. Wear. Them. AGAIN....period!

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       Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs (spray) in an aerosol can has been around for a few years now. It's a must have and on my  10 items I cannot live without, list. It's like an American Express card for my legs, If It wearing a dress or anything that involves my legs showimg, I never leave home without it! Well just recently I discovered that they came out with a lotion version and since I love the spray can so much I knew I absolutely had to try it. So I am writing this for all you lovely leggy ladies, (wow alliteration! My high school creative writing teacher would be proud) who want their legs to look like the girls legs in the nair commercial ! I will compare both products and give you the pros and cons of each.....

Shall we? 

The shade that works best for me is "Light glow"  (spray version) and "Glow" in the lotion one. I tried the medium version but I looked like I was wearing someone else's legs with my body.  It was much too orange and looked like I got in a fight with an Ompa Lompa and the Ompa Lompa won. Anyway the spray version is amazing. I usually put it on after I shower and apply my AmLactin Lotion on my legs. I suffer from Keritosis Pilaris which small tiny bumps which make your skin look like you have goose bumps all the time and they feel like sandpaper. I hate it! It's unsightly and embarrassing. AmLactin is the only thing that keeps it at bay. Anyway any lotion will work. I find it soaks in better and goes on smoother after you apply lotion and let it soak in for a few minutes. If the weather is nice I wear an old crappy pair of shorts and go outside to spray it. If its not I would set up some towels or an old sheet and do it in a room away from any important furniture or fabrics. It does wash off most surfaces but its a pain in the ass and virtually impossible to avoid overspray. I tried doing it in the shower once but it got all over everything and I really had to scrub it to get it off. It doesnt just rinse away.

After I'm all set up I will spray a little area and then rub it in with my hands. It blends really nicely and dries pretty quickly. It has a sort of strange smell but it doesn't stick around too long after its applied. My one complaint is that I wish they'd make the sprayer have a finer mist more like an airbrush. It tends to spray unevenly a bit and that's why I feel the need to rub it in. It's pretty buildable too. The can version has a fine shimmer in it that's mostly noticeable outdoors if your looking closely. It give the legs a nice healthy glow but doesn't make them look too sparkly or anything. After I feel I've covered all areas and it looks even I usually give it time to dry while I do my hair and makeup and then get dressed. If you get dressed too soon it will transfer on to your clothing and its not the type of thing that will come off easily with a damp cloth. Once it does dry however, it really doesn't transfer. Mostly the sparkles do and a small amount of the color so just be careful not to let any parts of the outside of your garment to hit it. Easy enough right? It's water resistant for the most part too. I've used it on some hot days and it stayed on nicely. I also went in the pool with it on once and the next day when I showered there was still a decent amount coming off and I didn't notice any weird splotches where it was missing. I was pretty impressed. This stuff does not come off easily either. I have slept with sweatpants and you'd think the friction would wear it away but it doesn't. You'll forget its there until you hop in the shower and shave your legs and see orange foam running off and you'll think there's something wrong with your water. Even after that you'll still have a little scrubbing to do to get it off. As far as coverage goes it depends on how much you use and what exactly your covering. It will make bruises and scratches much less noticeable but not completely gone. It will even out any discoloration though. As far as varicose veins go since I really don't have a lot I've noticed it will really cover small ones.
The only complaints I really have about the spray version is that its pretty pricey, running anywhere from $11-$14 and you will only get 3 or so uses out of it. For that amount of money I'd like to get a few more uses out of each can. Either way Sally Hansen does put out coupons for it so keep an eye out and try to buy it then.

Now for the Lotion...

I believe the lotion version is fairly new. It wasn't easy to find. My local Walmart didn't carry it and neither did my Bed Bath and Beyond. I ended up buying it at Ulta and I saw it in Target. So like I said I got the medium version first and it was much too dark and orange for me. I suppose if my legs were more tan it would have been better but I haven't done too much tanning this summer so I exchanged it for the Light version. Anyway applying the lotion is much easier and convenient. I didn't have to go outside or set up a drop cloth so that was nice. I still used a lotion before hand even though it is a lotion itself. As with the spray though I found it spread out and blended well. Coverage wise I feel like the lotion is a bit heavier and a little amount goes a long way. It was harder in a way because the spray gets those hard to reach places better. The lotion version also doesn't dry nearly as fast so you have more time to work with it and really blend it in. It is buildable though too.
The one thing that upset me was that it this version doesn't have any shimmer in it! I personally like the shimmer. It's not the end of the world though you can always add your own powder pigments. I also feel like since this one doesn't dry as quickly it does transfer more easily. 20 minutes or so after I had applied it I had to use the rest room and when I pulled down my shorts I got it all over them! Yey. Also the lotion version isn't as water resistant. One day when I was wearing it I had been sitting on a sheet on the lawn with my son. The lawn was a tad bit damp that afternoon and so the sheet I was on got damp. When I stood up I had noticed that the sheet had an orange imprint of my legs! Wow embarrassing! Also in the spots is was wet it had come off leaving my legs looking blotchy. I didn't have the bottle with my so I had to just roll with it and hope no one would notice. That definitely disappointed me. Even with that happening what was left on my legs did last for quite a while. I just wouldn't recommend wearing this one anywhere that its a possibility your legs may get wet.
With all that said though it too has its own advantages. Firstly is I feel its a better value. It's around the same price as the spray version (possibly a dollar cheaper) but I feel a bottle will last a hell of a lot longer. With two uses I barely made a dent. Also I like the fact that its easier and more convenient to apply. No crazy setup needed.

So all in all I really do like both of these products. They both perform pretty much the same way and give off the same results. They both last long and make your legs look virtually flawless. Personally I like the spray version just a tad but better. I feel it soaks in better, doesn't transfer as much and I am a sucka for shimmer but they both have their advantages and disadvantages  either way I'd recommend you try today!

Some quick bullets....

Spray can Version Pros.....
• Has shimmer (a pro in my opinion)
• Dries quickly
• Blends well
• Covers well
• Doesn't transfer much
• Good water resistance
• Lasts all day....and then some

• only get a small number of usage out of each can
• Pricey
• more messy, less convenient
• hence more time consuming

Lotion Version Pros
• covers well
• Blends well
• Lasts long
• Easy application
• Better value because you get more applications
• a little bit goes a long way

• doesn't dry as quickly
• Transfers more
• Not as water resistant
• doesn't contain shimmer legs look more matte instead of glowy

Here are some before and after shots of my legs
Lucky for you all, I have been apparently scratching the shit out of my legs while I sleep so you can really see how this stuff works! The bruises though, are from my son jumping on my lap!

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A few quick updates....

I have some other blog posts in the works right now. I have tons of products I've purchased and are ready for review. 

One being the Olay Advanced Cleaning system (I think that's the name) it's the brush that's a ripoff of the Clairasonic brush. 

Also I got a post in the works about time saving products for moms on the go! Keeps your bananas peeled! 

Have a fanfriggentastic day! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wanna Be: Beauty Blender knockoff TJ Maxx/Marshall's

So I watch a lot of tutorials on YouTube about makeup and I keep hearing about this Beauty Blender and how unbelievably ahhhhmazing it is. It's a kind of teardrop shaped sponge that is supposedly like the most innovative way to apply foundation. I haven't used sponges in Years so I wasn't really into it at first but the more I kept hearing great things about it, like any other addict I was becoming increasingly curious about it and just had to try it........then I googled it.
Twenty-five dollars for a god damn sponge!!!!! No freakin way! I'm sorry but even I have to draw the line somewhere!

The Real Beauty Blender
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Just like with any other trendy and popular products, companies were trying to rip it off left and right! The only thing was that everyone I saw had some other odd shape. I was wondering if the beauty blender company had some type of patent on the tear drop shape because I never saw a knock off with the same shape. Still I figured I had to try it so I saw a knockoff at my local CVS made by Essence of Beauty and I read some reviews online and a lot of people said it was ok so for $5 I figured if I wasn't happy with it I wouldn't be as upset with it if I didn't like it. This one though like most other knock offs wasn't tear shaped and in fact it had a rather odd shape with a sort of flat ball that came in and then a small teardrop shape at the top and it was very pointy. Now you can use the real Beauty Blender wet for dry but most say its better wet. It expands when it's wet to almost double it's size and becomes very soft and bouncy. The CVS version however did expand but was too firm. The shape was awkward and I really just didn't like it! So yup another utensil that just sits around taking up space because I hate throwing things away! Maybe I will find some use for it, like a butt plug for my dog who farts a lot. I don't know.

The Essence of Beauty Butt Plug
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I was ready to just accept that I'll never try the real Beauty Blender unless one magically appeared in my mailbox or under the Christmas tree one year.....and then I went to TJ Maxx. They always have knockoffs there, again that are some weird shapes and I always grab them and then put them down somewhere else in the store. Yes that's not right to contribute to the chaos that is T.J. Maxx but I look at it as job security for one of their sales associates. If a-holes like me weren't in there sabotaging their half ass efforts to stay somewhat organized then that poor high school boy who's mom forced him to get a job there so she can use his discount, wouldn't have any other way to keep himself busy for that last five minutes that seem like an hour before he punches out for the day. Anyway this trip however was different! There was an almost exact knockoff! It was a reddish pink like the real one and most importantly it was teardrop shaped just like the real one! It was $5 to boot! I just had to try it! It's made by a brand called Revive Pro Beauty and its called the Beauty Applicator (yes very innovative and catchy name, I know).

The Revive Beauty Version...
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I got it home and couldn't wait to use it the next day. I woke up bright and early (no I didn't but it just sounds better than I slept until 12pm) and I got myself all ready to get gussied up so I can make funny faces at my baby and maybe go to Walmart. I soaked up my Beauty Applicator and went to town and......I friggen LOVE this thing! It's sooooo cool! I just can't explain it, but I better because this is after all, a blog explaining how well products work, so I will do my best! Again, it gets bigger when wet. Oh god that sounds weird. It expands when better. Anyway it's big and its very soft and bouncy. From what I've seen on tutorials you don't so much just want to drag the foundation all over your face but you kind of want to dab it on and spread it all over your face in that way. That's where the bouncyness comes in handy. You can also turn it to the side and kind of roll it on. I like the point at the top because its good for getting into the eye area. It really does leave a flawless type of finish and I actually have been using it instead of my brushes. The one downside is once you use it, it gets stained. The box suggests you cleanit every few days with a mild antibacterial soap. I just use my foaming hand soap from Bath and Body Works. As much as you wash it though you're not going to be able to remove the color of your foundation. At least you know it's bacteria free though.
I really can't say if it works exactly like the real Beauty Blender but I really like it so I feel I don't need to even try the real one. I was actually able to find a review of it online where a girl who actually had the real Beauty Blender compared it. RIGHT HERE . She too seemed to be a big fan of it. So run out to your nearest TJ Maxx NOW because you know the golden rule of Marshall's and TJ "Maxx, buy it now because it won't be there next time!"

I wish I had a link for ya's but I don't for the TJ Maxx ones!
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Monday, April 15, 2013

Oldie but Goody Johnson & Johnson No More Tangles

I thought I grew out of knotty hair along with my Reebok Pumps, Dare to Wear & Z. Cavaricci pants! (Yes I'm that old) Nope! My baby fine hair, still behaves as though its a baby.....a very fussy one! I like to wear hats and scarfs, plus I have a 3 month old baby and I spend a good portion of my day wrestling chunk of my hair out of his grubby little mitts. I also back comb.....- lot! This all equals up to matted, snarly, tangled hair and me crying like a five year old every time I need to brush my hair!
Ugh remember those days when your mother had no mercy on you while brushing your hair? Or was it just my mom?
I purchased a "detangling" spray by Pantene from Big Lots a few weeks ago. It smells pretty...that's about it! It doesn't help whatsoever in getting out the big nasty knots in my hair. Totally useless. So tonight while cruising the baby aisle in Target I happened to see a bottle of Johnson & Johnson No More Tangles. I remember my mom using it on me as a kid and it worked wonders and guess what ? It still does! Plus it's scent.....a little slice of childhood!

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Just for fun here are some pics of the good ol days!

Reebok pumps (I had this exact pair)
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z cavaricci
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And what is known to me as "Dare to Wears"
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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Future Posts ....things that are in the works!

Like I had mentioned in my previous post, I thought it would be a good idea to let ya's all in on some of the posts I'm in the process of writing and working on. I know you all just live for my blog posts and need to know what's going on every second of every day with it......or not, a girl can dream can't she?
Anyways just like pimpin, bloggin' ain't easy! Obviously I have to use the product I'm talking about and that takes time. As does writing and editing but adding pics and HTML links and formatting takes forever. Giving a heads up to people is cool and always very appreciated. It's like when you're watching a show and you get a sneak peek at next weeks episode. ya know?
Speaking of which, how friggen' annoying it is when you DVR a show and your DVR cuts off right before they show the preview for the next week!!!!? I Haaaaaaate that! Ugh argh uh!

Ok so here are some things I'm in the process of working on....

face Primers.... I put two high end primers to the test to see if they live up to the claims. Also, are they that much better than the drugstore brands. Plus some surprising products that you can use as a makeup primer

Mascaras..... Just a butt load of new mascara's I've tried recently and how well they work.

Makeup Setting cheaper than dirt drugstore brand vs a very popular high end brand.

HD Foundation.....lets see how the drugstore version stacks up to its high end competition.

Until then....
Over and out.

A message from the editor!

I have a lot of different ideas that are in the works now for this blog. I just thought it would be a good idea to share some of my thoughts and explain how I'm going to go about things here. Basically I am (just as the name of my blog says) a makeup junkie! I am always trying new products all the time. I just can't resist. I am to makeup like Bobby and Whitney were to crack!
I just want to express that I purchase everything I review with my own money. I am not asked or sponsored by any company. If it ever gets to the point where companies send me products to review I will most certainly make a note of it. It is all my OPINION and if you don't agree with it that's ok. Everyone's skin and body's react to products differently and everyone has their own preferences when it comes to what they look for in a product. My word is not the last hoorah. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try something just because someone else didn't like it. I find personally that there will be times people rave about a product and I will go out and buy it and I will think its mediocre at best, and I'm sure it goes the other way around too.
Also I'm not big on reviewing first impressions or thoughts. I really try these products out and put them to the test to see if they stack up to their claims. Say for instance if I'm trying a mascara, I want to wear it a few times before I talk about it. Sometimes a mascara will get better after they've been opened a few times because the formula may be too liquidy and needs to dry up a bit to be good. . If I buy new eyeshadow palettes I like to play around and do a few different looks before telling everyone. Some eyeshadows in the palette may be better than others. If you look at the ingredients some of they may have a different formula thusly performing differently than others. So basically I like to really like to put things on and take my time observing how they perform. I will most likely use a lot of things for a few weeks before I review them, so I can give my most accurate and honest opinion.
So with all that said I also thought it would cool to let people know about future blog posts. At any given time I may have 3 or 4 posts sitting in draft mode in my cue. Like I said I want to take my time and add every important detail that I could, like pictures and swatches this way I will keep everyone in the loop about what else I'm working on. I also would really appreciate feedback from people. If there is anything you think I could improve or even if there's something out there you want to try you can let me know!
That about wraps it up for this post!
Here is a pic of my forever expanding makeup collection! This was taken back around January so there has been many, many new additions since then!
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Wow now that I'm looking its gotten waaaaaaaaay bigger since then! Lol!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lashes to Lashes, dust to dust....

So I've been on a mascara kick lately and recently purchased some new ones to add to my ever growing collection. For years Cover Girl Lash Blast was my go to mascara but I get bored easily and I wanted to branch out and try all these new types of mascaras that have been hitting the market. All this "fiber" crap and "beauty tubes" and such has really gotten my attention. Before this it was mostly brushes that were the big attraction. Remember the vibrating brush? What a croc of shit that was! What good did it do? Or how about the L'oreal Telescopic with the little ball brush? That was a flop too? I had such high hopes for that one when it hit the market!
Needless to say they finally realized along with their gimmicky brushes the formulas needed to improve as well and companies have been dropping all of these new concoctions that promise you the moon and stars! Some even claim to actually make you grow more lashes with continued use.
So here are some of the new mascaras I've been playing around with....just to note they are new to me so that doesn't necessarily mean they are new on the market.

L'oreal Voluminus False Fiber Lashes

I just realized I had accidentally purchased the waterproof version!
I purchased this one quite a while ago. The very first time I opened it and used it I did not like it at all! The formula felt very dry and it seemed like there wasn't enough on the brush. I hate the packaging! Not only is it ugly but it's ginormous! I mean I think I need a separate makeup pouch just to keep it in. It may actually count as one carry on bag for the plane in itself! I don't know why they made it so big and bulky but whatever. I'm not going to ramble on about the packaging but I just thought it was important in this case to let you know how huge this thing is! Anyway like I was saying I was not a big fan of this! It was quite pricey too (like all L'oreal products) especially for a drugstore mascara. Being one who likes to get their money's worth and trying to see the glass as half full I didn't want to completely give up on it. I set it aside and every now and then I'd reach for it and abruptly change me mind! It sat for about a month taking up ridiculous amounts of space until I saw a review or something about it that was actually singing it praises. So I committed myself to giving it a fair chance and surprisingly it actually isn't as bad as I had originally thought! Is it the best mascara out there? No, but it isn't the absolute worst either! It has your basic mascara bristle or spoolie brush but its pretty long and slightly tapered. I was able to get more product on it. I guess the very first time it just didn't have enough, I don't know. It goes on nicely and it is buildable without getting all clumpy or spidery. It comes off very black and stays that way throughout its wear. I don't find it to be dry or flakey but it could remain a bit tacky and since I purchased the waterproof by accident it's a little hard to remove. Because of the fibers, It does a bit more lengthening than it does volumizing, which is quite ironic given the fact it's marketed as a volumizing mascara. It does make the lashes appear a tad bit thicker though but because it doesn't separate them much it doesn't look so voluminous.... I hope that makes sense! My lashes are pretty average overall. They are also pretty straight and without mascara they pretty much have no curl and actually slant downward a little. What I liked about this mascara for my lashes is that it actually helped them retain somewhat of a curl! They actually have some lift to them. If I was rating this on a 5 star system I'd give it a 3 1/2 just because I don't think it lives up to its claims and its not spectacular but it does the job. I'm just not sure if this is something I will always need to have in my collection. I don't think it performs much better than other drugstore fiber mascaras like Maybelline Illegal Lengths (which I like) that are much cheaper.

Here's a pic of the results
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L'oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes

Ugh again I really had high hopes for this one but unfortunately it just didn't live up to my dreams. I figured using a primer works amazingly for my eyeshadow and foundation so it should work great on my eyelashes too. We this isn't exactly the case. Again more bulky packaging by L'oreal. One side is the primer and the other, the mascara. I stupidly threw the packaging away before I tried it thinking its mascara I don't need instructions on how to use it. Well apparently this stuff is a bit ore tricky then you'd think. The first time I used it I applied the primer and let it sit for a while before applying the mascara. That was a bad idea. The mascara or tubes part did not go on well. I tried to do a second coat and it made things even worse! It looked like I had 5 cartoon lashes sticking out of my eyelids. It was a big mess so the next time I tried it I applied the primer and then the mascara right away and that actually seemed to help. The second coat (which you don't necessarily need) went on better too but still made the lashes stick together. It does stay pretty black and there was no flaking. The one thing I noticed that I really didn't like was that even though I curled my lashes the "tubes" made them stick straight and didn't hold the curl that great. Removing it is easy and kind of weird. They suggest you just use warm water and it will slide off your lashes and it does, like black stringy boogers! You cannot build up this mascara too much. If you do your lashes will stick together and start looking cartoonish. It's a good mascara but a little tricky to work with. The results are ok but I just don't see the extra step as making a big difference. One thing I really do like about this stuff is that it doesn't flake, crumble or smear AT ALL! Even when you're removing it. You will not end up with a mess of mascara blackness. I think it's ok but I don't think I will purchase it ever again.

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E.L.F 3-1 mascara lengthen, volumize, define>

Ok so I have NEVER had luck with cheap Mascaras. I have tried some made by NYC and they were complete doo-doo. So you can believe I was skeptical when purchasing this one made by E.L.F. It's part of their studio line so it comes in the matte black packaging. This one is kind of cheap feeling though whereas I don't think that of the rest of their stuff. Right off the bat when I unscrewed it the top came unglued so I now have to squeeze it very tight to get the cap off. No big deal. Again it was $3 so I'm not expecting much. Anyway it's one of those silicone brush deals only this one has a little ball at the end. I know that this isn't an original idea they ripped it off from Rimmel who i believe ripped it off from a high end mascara I just cannot think of which one. Brain fart! Anyway I have not had luck with these funky type brushes in the past (L'oreal telescopic) so I wasn't expecting much. I would have expected the product to buildup right under the ball tip but surprisingly it does not! The formula is VERY wet. I'm not a big fan of wet Mascaras because they have a tendency to fling and splatter all over the place. Still except for those few things I am actually very surprised by this mascara. It is very black and doesn't flake or make your lashes stiff & crunchy. It doesn't add tons of volume but it does coat the lashes nicely and somewhat lengthens. I don't know if this is a mascara I will "need" to have at all times but I will definitely keep it in my rotation. I liked what it did for my bottom lashes and I think I will use it exclusively for that. For $3 I think it is a decent mascara that beats out a lot if its more expensive competition. I just hope it dries up a bit with some more use.

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As you can see in the pic it got all over my eyes!

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes!>

I got this mascara as a sample with my points from my Sephora VIP card. I usually think they really gyp you with sample Mascaras! They are usually dried out and don't give you a ton of product. I had a bad experience with Too Faced Lash Injection. This on the other hand was not all dried up. As with all Tarte products they are "au naturale" and contain not harmful chemicals. I absolutely love, love, love their blushes but I've never tried their Mascaras. Personally I don't think in most cases it's worth buying high end mascaras. I've never tired any that have wowed me so much and blew away my drugstore Mascaras.....until now! I actually went out and used some Sephora store credit i had I am in love with this stuff! It comes with your basic bristle or spoolie type brush that's densely packed with bristles and kind of tapered. This mascara does everything it claims to do. It adds volume, length and what makes it so special in my book it also separates. I find a lot of volumizing Mascaras make your lashes stick together. This one does not! It gives off a soft, natural look and also leaves your lashes feeling soft and flexible! It holds curl too! Essentially for me this mascara does exactly what I want a mascara to do. At $18 it is a little more pricey than I like to spend but you get a very large tube wrapped in a very nice purple snakeskin looking stuff! I just feel like I haven't found anything comparable in the drugstore so I definitely think this stuff is worth the extra $8 than the drugstore brands.

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Rimmel Scandaleyes Show off Mascara>

Holy garbage! I purchased this along with Rimmel Pro Primer for the face (for future review) on a buy one get one 50% off sale at Ulta. Thank god, because if I paid full price for this I would be very upset! Firstly like the E.L.F. 3 in 1 it has a silicone brush with a little ball at the end but in this case the brush sucks! It's probably the biggest reason this mascara completely fails in my book! Unlike the E.L.F brush whose soft bristles are densely packed, this one looks more like one of those midevil torture balls wih huge spikes! The brush is too fat and its hard for me to really get down to the roots which is kind of ironic being that the whole point of it is supposed to help you reach those hard to get areas! The formula itself does nothing for me. It basically just gives you black lashes (at least the parts you can reach) and makes them stick together!it doesn't separate, add volume or length. It's supposed to be a "fibre" mascara but I didn't detect any fibers in it whatsoever. It's a shame because the formula is a good consistency. Not too wet, not too dry but just right but unfortunately it just sucks. It just doesn't do anything it claims to do and certainly doesn't make me want to "show off" my lashes. I most definitely will not be purchasing this ever again. It does give a natural look but that it not what I'm looking for when I buy a mascara named Show off!

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Too Faced Lashgasm>
Too Faced Lashgasm

I didn't purchase this. It came free with my Bon Bon Palette. Full size too! I was very excited to try a Too Faced mascara. This like many new Mascaras comes with a silicone brush. It's nice and thin which I like. I feel like the fatter brushes are hard to really get in there. This is a nice mascara but LashGASM I don't know! I wouldn't take it that far! Kind of reminds me of those Herbal Essence commercial where the lady if spazzing out in the shower while washing her hair! This is not going to happen when you use this mascara just like it doesn't happen when you use Herbal Essences! It's not a bad Mascara and I will continue to use the tube I have until its finished but there's just nothing sooooo unbelievably special about it that I'd consider spending $18 on it. I feel it operates much in the same manner as the Covergirl LashExact. It's buildable, and leaves lashes soft and separates them but its not unique or special however I do think it is a good mascara and if you wanted to try it I wouldn't tell you not to!

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Maybelline Rocket Volum Express
Maybelline Rocket Volum Express

If ca-ca and poo-poo had a love child they'd package it in a blue tube and call it Rocket Volum Express! Ugh this stuff is just terrible all around. It has a Silicone brush that is just ridiculously fat. It is tapered as well and the little spikey bristles get so small that they're almost non existent on the last 1/4" of the brush! Hello product buildup! I don't get the logic behind these fat brushes. Maybe it would work well for someone like Betty Boop who has enormous eyes and can open them really wide but for me they are just too big and hard to work with. That being said I usually reserve these kinds of mascara's for my bottom lashes but in this case since there's no bristles at the end so I can't. (I apply my bottom mascara holding the brush vertically.
As if the brush wasn't enough to entirely desecrate this product the formula is where it absolutely fails. Volume my ass! More like a quiet whisper or maybe a mute button! Another too wet and flingy formula! Oh but the great part is once it dries your are left with crunchy, brittle feeling lashes that flake all over! It actually reminds me a lot of Rimmels' Sexy Eyes which actually was a good mascara but left your lashes feeling like my bangs in the 80's after a heavy dosing of Rave hairspray! Rocket Volum Express is just garbagy crapola that is sadly sitting in my mascara cup not being used. I should just toss it to make room for something I actually like because the tube is so god dang fat but I will keep it and stare at it for a few more months until I toss it. The color of the packaging is a lovely cobalt blue and that's about all I like this one. Complete dud Maybelline!

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Other Maybelline Mascara's that don't suck !

Illegal Lengths

I feel bad bashing Maybelline that much. I'm sorry baby. So I feel like I have to redeem it. I'm Going to group these together because there's quite a few I like from them.
Illegal Lengths is one of them. I didn't have high expectations for this one but I wanted to try one of these fiber mascara's. It has a spoolie type brush and the bristles are somewhat spaced apart. I thought that would be bad but it actually works pretty good. The formula has that "just right consistency" not too wet, not too dry. It's somewhere in between which is why I like it better than the L'oreal fiber mascara mentioned above. This mascara definitely gives you noticeable length.and it also lifts your lashes, making you're eyes appear more open and lively. It's also buildable and adds volume and separates for a more natural look. The one thing I don't like is that I feel like either it dries out quickly or they just don't put enough product in the tube. I repurchase this one quite frequently and I just feel like I use it up much quicker than most other mascara's I own. I really like this one and I hope that they don't discontinue it.

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Maybelline Falsies

Maybelline Falsies

The Falsies, is another good mascara. It comes with a spoolie type brush again but this one is different. It has a unique shape. The bristles are long and curved on one side and short on the other. The brush is also bouncy, when you apply it it kind of springs back. Ugh that sounds weird, I don't know how to explain it but whatever it does its cool and seems to help. This one dries a little stiffer but doesn't get all flakey. It definitely lifts, separates and adds volume and a little length. Over all its just a good mascara and definitely one that I repurchase frequently.

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Maybelline Colossal Lash Volum Express Cat Eye version

It's yellow and has leopard print on the tubes cap......sold! The packaging is adorable but its what's on the inside that counts! This one to me is very similar to the falsies. Another good mascara. This one comes with a curved brush and its a spoolie. Again a very buildable, volumizing mascara. I really like this one. I think the brush works really well because of the curve but also because its thin and you can really get to the roots. This mascara gives you a real natural look and doesn't get clumpy at all. I'm all about natural clean looking lashes. Not a big fan of the spidery Tammy Faye Baker look! There one thing that slightly bothers me about this one and that's, that it for some reason, remains a little bit tacky when it dries but its not a big deal. It's not like your eye sticks together or anything. It just makes removal a little harder but not terrible. All in all I think I favor this one over the falsies just because the Falsies can get a bit clumpy.

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So that's it folks! These are the Mascara's I've been rocking lately! What's in your makeup box? Any suggestions?

A few quick tips

Some mascara's are like fine wines and they get better with time. I'm not quite sure why this is. Some of the more wet or liquidy ones may need to dry up a bit before I like the way they work. So if you buy a mascara and you aren't happy with it right off the bat, don't write it off and kick it to the curb just yet. Let it sit around and play with it every now and again and see if it works a little different after you open it a few times. I know this sounds crazy but trust me, it's worth a shot. If you don't like it after a few weeks toss it.

One of the biggest mistakes we make with mascara is that when we go into the tube to get more for our other eye, or a second coat, a lot of us think jamming it in there and pumping it up and down really fast is the way to do so. Eeeeeehhhh wrong! All you are doing is pumping more air into the container and its going to dry your mascara out quicker. To extend the life of it just gently slide the brush back in and twist it around on your way back out. I know it's a hard habit to break because its something you don't even think about, you just do it but trust me it does help. Also wipe the opening off every so often with a damp rag or make remover towelette. It will give you a better seal and not let air get into it.

As far as applying it there are some cool tricks I've learned to help you get the best look out of it. Firstly if you have a hand mirror or table top mirror on a swiveling base turn the mirror horizontal and look down into it while your applying your mascara. You will have a better view of what you're doing and you will be able to really get down to the roots. Also gently wiggling the brush left and right while your coating it on will help separate and fully coat each lash. I also find blinking down onto the brush instead of moving your hand works a lot better and lessens the chance of slipping up and poking your eye out or making an ooopsie! If you do get a little on your eyelid or face, don't wipe it! You will just smear it in and make a huge mess! Instead take a Q-Tip and place the tip on to the spot and gently twist it around. This is probably one of the best tricks I've picked up because it comes right off and doesn't effect the eye makeup underneath.

And lastly make sure you laugh at your mascara face daily! Lol you know, the face you make with your mouth wide open looking like a scared clown! We all do it .